WakeSista Meets: Sina Fuchs

WakeSista Meets: Sina Fuchs

Sina Fuchs’ stylish riding and creativity immediately caught our eye. Progressing like crazy and always having fun, she put together some exclusive clips and made time for WakeSista to answer a few questions.

When scrolling across Sina’s instagram account @sinafux , her stylish riding and creativity immediately catches your eye. Sina is progressing like crazy and showing a lot of fun next to her sick riding. Exclusively for us at WakeSista, she put together some clips and made time to answer a few questions.


Quickly introduce yourself: Where are you from?  What cable do you ride at? When and how did you start wakeboarding?

Hey! My name is Sina Fuchs and I’m 23 years old. I‘m from the middle of Germany.  Turncable is where I work and has been my homespot since last year. I started wakeboarding at the wake park Thulba, five years ago.

What do you love most about wakeboarding?

My background is in snowboarding, and I used to have a park right outside my door. I love riding in the park and playing in the backcountry. Cable riding is both at the same time and very similar, it’s just with a handle haha. Riding is fun, but it’s also great to push yourself and try new tricks, because when you land them – it’s a fantastic feeling.


Who is your favourite rider of all-time, and why?

I was learning my first tricks from Tobi Rittig, riding in the winter with him as well as in summer. I love his clean style. However, of course also Poncho and Wesley from Valdosta are creating whatever tricks they want, it is fun to watch their casual style. The girls whom I love to watch ride are Anna Nikstad and Mary Rougier, they are pushing womens wakeboarding with clean riding and showing us – we can do more.


What is your favourite trick all-time and why?

Puh.. it‘s not easy to say one trick.. it really depends on the day.. when I am thinking about one trick and after a few tries, unlock it.. it feels great. However, at the moment a good feeling is doing Stalefish backside 270 on the Kicker. On rails at this time my favourites are frontlips with tailbonk or nosepresses  to backside 180 out. It‘s the best feeling to stand like holed on the rail.


What tricks do you really want to get down this season?

Oh, I think every day there is a new trick I want to land, haha.  I am living in a playground, Turncable. It has so many different possibilities. But I want to learn to do more tricks with a late late late backside out and crazy spins with grabs. But doing a backside 180 on to nosepress on our handrail is a absolutely  dream for me this year.

What are your plans for the rest of this season, this winter and the next season?

I have only been riding in Germany so far because of my studies. I did, however, ride one week in hypnotics. This winter it’s time to go to other countries, and other cables, some ideas?

How do you spend your time when you are not on the water?

The days are really too short, that’s for sure. I love to do to many things ♥️. Usually, in the mornings, I have a yoga session,  after that I go to work in the shop at Turncable. I don’t know why but I have an affinity for vintage clothing. I love to create and wear things to look like my own. You can see it on my wakeboard, I have changed a little bit of the colours from the windsor board.

The rest of the time I love drawing,  painting, hanging out with my family. I also enjoy cooking fresh food, nerving my friends and drinking beer of course.


What set- up do you ride, and are you sponsored by any brands?

My set-up is from Slingshot, the Windsor in 141 and the KTV bindings. I get support from Slingshot and Turncable, and my wetsuits are from Billabong, thanks for the support! Currently, I am not riding for any team’s.

What would you like to say to the girls in wakeboarding?

Hey Girls, all of you are insanely inspiring and rock it, thanks to Instagram ????. Go hang out together, inspire each other, go drink beer and have fun. Hey and yes – not every day is the same, so bad days come but better days are also coming. You have weeks with highs and lows. Don‘t give up when a trick is not working and try a new one. Also, when you see a trick and you fall in love with it, get it in your head, think about how it’s going and try that shit! You can do this when you want.

Thousands of thanks for this awesome community of girls. Riding together, drinking beer and having fun! See you soon at the lake ????

You can follow Sina Fuchs on Instagram to stay updated with all her latest photos, videos and adventures.



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